Stop the Slaughter (Part 3)

By: ThisAmericanCarnage

… Suppose the next son-of-a-bitch doesn’t decide to shoot the school, but pulls the fire alarm instead… And then proceeds to run over the crowd of kids waiting out on the football field? Heaven for bid that happens, what then? Do we outlawed fire alarms and trucks? How about football fields? What if there are two killers? What if there’s a sniper? What if somebody poisons the cafeteria food or the drinking water? We need to start thinking like these thoroughgoing cthonically stygian life-thieves if we are to have any shot at thwarting their wicked schemes. Every possible measure must be taken, both offensively and defensively, on the premises and off. Police must be vigilant not to miss the signs. Parents need to pay attention to their kids to make sure they are not raising a secret child killer unawares. Willing teachers have to be free to bring their weapons to work, and volunteers, well-trained and watchful, should be placed on perimeter to plan for any eminent threat. And for crying out loud, lock all the doors from the inside so the murderer can’t walk straight in. Of course, there is always the option of going back to the old way of doing things, when the Bible was allowed in the classroom and kids were raised to read it. Funny how gun fights showed up in the schools as soon as Faith was shut out. Coincidence? If so, I’ll happily hear someone air another idea of what’s the difference between then and now, besides a plethora of heaven and handguns, accompanied by a dearth of deaths, prior to the outlaw of all things religious, compared with missing morality and outlawed guns found in monstrous hands murdering and making mayhem post Judeo-Christian expulsion from education. Was it really so bad asking kids to consider the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” Is it really so hard to see why so much hate is here now when we have not taught the golden rule for three generations in school? It says, “Do unto others, as you would have them do onto you.” But instead, we’ve been teaching children, “Do whatever you want to do.” … And then we stood back in shock when some of them wanted to slay the others. We are at war for sure in this country, a war for the soul of the nation, and we are losing because we can’t face the facts. And the facts are clearly set before our eyes in the carnage of beautiful kids, cut down and killed without cause by a coward with a gun in his or her hand, but without holiness in his or her heart. Had we not thrown out the Good Book long ago, we would have foreseen such an outcome set in its pages, saying in the Proverbs, “Discipline, your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death”. Had we let the Bible be welcome in the halls of learning and allow the Ten Commandments to hang on the walls just maybe the kids could acquire a moral compass. Just maybe they might see writ as number 6, “ You shall not murder.” But what do I know anyway?